The process of claiming long-term disability benefits is a thorny one. In order to evaluate if the claimed disability fits all of the criteria for long-term disability and if the injured party can or cannot return to active duty at their workplace, injured people are frequently subjected to several medical tests and interviews.
A long-term disability attorney is required for all of these reasons and more. As soon as your disability claim has been approved by the insurance company, the settlement procedure may begin. This can be just as complicated as filing the claim in the first place.
Long-Term Disability Insurance in Ontario: An Overview
Two choices are available to the insurance company when it comes to making a long-term disability settlement offer. Alternatively, they can make a lump sum payment to settle your claim.
Several criteria will be taken into consideration while determining the type of settlement to be awarded. In order to help you make an informed decision, your long-term disability settlement lawyer will discuss the pros and cons of each settlement.
Limited-Duty Compensation (LTD) Benefits
A long-term disability insurance company will most likely offer to pay any benefits that you have not received up until the time of the settlement plus interest, money for your legal fees and may offer full or reduced payments for the future if it is determined that your disability qualifies for reinstatement.
This is a viable option for some folks. Injured people in their 20s and 30s are particularly grateful for these extended payouts. Those who are planning on returning to work in the near future may also benefit from this deal. The insurance company may decide to revoke your benefits at a later date, in which case you will have to go through the legal process all over again.
Injury victims who are not satisfied with the reinstatement offer can take their case to court to get a lump sum payment for long-term impairment.
Long-Term Disability: What You Need to Know Settlement by lump sum
One of the most popular choices for long-term disability settlements in Ontario is a lump sum payment. This type of settlement can be a highly complex issue because it needs a substantial amount of calculating benefits and your lawyer and the insurer often will have significantly different amounts.
A lump sum payment must take into account a wide range of variables. This includes things like:
The amount you would have received in the future if you had been able to keep getting benefits
Amount you’ve paid on your insurance coverage after you became disabled
The amount of interest that has accumulated on unpaid benefits
When computing a lump sum payment, other considerations will also be taken into consideration. As a result, it is imperative that you have a lawyer on your side. It is your lawyer’s job to make sure that the insurance company covers all relevant compensation and that the amounts provided are accurate and reasonable
Your lawyer will also have to deal with the third issue, which pertains to your payment. The tax status of a settlement depends on a variety of circumstances. So that you don’t have to pay taxes on money that you shouldn’t, your tax attorney will make sure that you are treated properly in this regard as well.
Disability compensation is a thorny problem. A long-term disability lawyer is usually a good idea if you are dealing with a claim for long-term disability. Protecting your interests and ensuring that you obtain fair compensation are both made simpler when you work with an attorney to handle the details of your claim and the settlement.